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In this guide, you will learn about the role of ROI, its formula, why you would use it, the four methods to easily calculate it, and additional methods to break down work. Download the essential Excel templates to perform a variety of ROI tasks, including content marketing metrics, website ROI analysis, healthcare quality initiative ROI, event ROI calculator, PLM ROI calculator, IT ROI, cost avoidance calculator, and TCO ROI.

Cash Flow ROI (CFROI) is a proxy for a company’s economic return. This return is compared to the interest rate charged to commercial banks from the Federal Reserve’s standard (the discount rate), to see if there is value-added potential. CFROI is the average economic return in a year on all of a company’s investments. Enter your variables in this template to determine your company’s CFROI.

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Net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR) are metrics used to estimate ROI. NPV is the dollar difference between the present value of cash inflows and outflows over time. Companies use NPV as a tool to help them decide if an investment will provide long-term value, to compare different investment options, and to decide whether they should introduce a new product.

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NPV looks at each cash flow separately, even when the discount rate is unknown. An NPV greater than zero makes a project financially worthwhile. IRR compares projects using one discount rate, predictable cash flows, equal risk, and a shorter time. IRR does not account for changes in the discount rate, which at times makes it a poor metric. Further, if there are a mix of positive and negative cash flows, IRR calculations are not effective. To calculate your company’s NPV and IRR, use this template.

Preparing for a conference or large event is a big commitment for a business. There are direct costs, such as airfare, registration, and accommodations, and indirect costs such as the hours of preparation.

Includes actions or event-substitutions that reduce future costs, such as planning virtual conferences, trainings, or parts replacement before failure (and subsequent damage to other parts). Cost avoidance activities may incur higher immediate costs but save money — sometimes totaling extreme savings — over time. This is a different concept from

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, in which you actually save the money you plan on spending. Lower spending, investment, or debt levels is what saves money.

Use this template to calculate cost avoidance as ROI. This calculator has a variety of event scenarios, including training, conference, and an in-person event. These costs are compared to a virtual briefing, a virtual conference, and a virtual large event, respectively. With your input, you can calculate the costs per participant for each, the cost avoidance factor per participant, and the avoidance factor.

Marketing is a huge expense for any business. Whether your company invests in a comprehensive program that rolls out print and television ads as well as a social media presence, or just has a Facebook page, you should know the worth of your content over time. Sirius Decisions stated in 2013 that 60 to 70 percent of content goes unused. The cost of creation itself involves the per hour cost of each person by the number of creation hours involved, plus any actual content expenses. Having the ROI for marketing content can help motivate your staff to use it.

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The marketing ROI (MROI) is simply the revenue generated from your content minus the cost to produce your content. This is a simple calculation, but some professionals caution that marketing professionals should define how and what they have measured in order to signal to stakeholders whether they are defining short-term channel-specific ROI or informing for long-term budget or strategic decisions. In this marketing ROI  template, you will find space for multiple marketing initiatives in order to compare their relative value.

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The demand for marketing measurement and reporting is rising with marketing costs. There are many metrics that should be reported to show the success of your marketing program. Many professionals are not comfortable communicating their impact on the bottom line metrics to get the support they need. The key metrics that every marketing person should be comfortable reporting include the following:

Use each of the above five categories to record metrics for reporting with this template. It provides a space for each metric and ready-made graphs to add to your marketing deck so you can present your success. Fill out the reach, visits, leads, and customers templates, and your conversion rates template will automatically fill from your data.

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Google Analytics can help you determine the financial value of your content so you can calculate ROI. Use GA to track the URLs from all your web materials, such as your website, Facebook, newsletters, and any other sources. You can track who comes to your site and the path they took to get there. For example, you can get a count of how many times someone accessed your site from a Facebook post, or how many times your content was downloaded from your site.

To set up Google Analytics, start by either signing in or creating an Analytics account. Set up your property in the Admin tab. Your property is your websites or apps you want to track. Here’s how to set up Google Analytics:

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You can add Goals in your analytics page to determine how well your pages are performing. Import the information from your website or app into this website ROI calculator to determine the ROI for your web-based traffic. You’ll find a full website campaign overview in a roll-up sheet, which tells you which campaigns are the most successful so you can compare them.

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Another way to figure out the revenue from your web content is to look at your online sales. Each time you sell products on your website, you can use your digital content to push customers to your sales pages. Each time you post a blog article, there should be links your customers can follow to reach your products. From these page visits, look at the revenue earned over the period and the number of visits from your content.

There are other programs you can use to manage your social media and marketing content that you can purchase as well. Some of these plug into your existing software to make your reporting easier. It’s worth reviewing their features and ease of use for your company if your revenue is dependent on your social marketing content. Some of these apps include Hootsuite, Hubspot, Buzzsumo, and Quintly.

With the cost of health care skyrocketing, state-sponsored and private health plans should be able to prove their ROI to measure the effect of their quality improvement initiatives. These seven worksheets can help you prove the ROI of your quality improvement initiative:

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There are many projects that require you to calculate ROI. Some of these may be due to technology or software system changes that can get extremely expensive, so being able to report ROI to your stakeholders becomes critical.

The following is an IT ROI calculator for any basic IT initiative or project. This calculator provides columns to include data for up to eight years, but you can add more years as columns. Inputs include the following:

For ease of reporting, charts have been included that automatically show yearly project cash flows, overall project implementation analysis, and overall project cost savings/income analysis.

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Building a business case helps your team or company justify the funding in any proposal. This is the expected benefit from any undertaking, whether you are making a case for replacing old equipment or starting a fresh marketing program. Using ROI and other cash flow metrics are an excellent method to help you build your business case — especially in the case of technology investments where financial managers can identify expected costs and benefits to calculate ROI. For example, you may want to make a business case for an event your company is considering hosting. Based on the ROI of past events, you can give your company information on what level of event is relevant for their goals. For example, you can make a case for a large formal event rather than a small less-costly cocktail party if the ROIs are markedly different, and the large event generates more customers. Use this simple event ROI calculator template to discover what ROI your past events yielded by inputting the number of attendees, costs, and deal information. The outputs then give the event cost per person, the ROI, and the ROI percent.

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In the same vein as proving a business case, a business plan must have some type of economic justification to provide stakeholders with the knowledge that they are making sound policy and finance decisions.  ROI is an appropriate choice, although it does not consider the intangible or fuzzy costs and the benefits that a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) might reveal. However, since those measures are fuzzy, they may not accurately represent the data anyway.

Total cost of ownership (TCO) helps assess costs across an enterprise for products or systems. Mainly used in IT, TCO generally includes not only the hardware and software, but the acquisition, management, support, expenses, training, and any other

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